Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Starting New WPF App Error: Cannot convert string 'pack://application:,,,/

This error is quite interesting. It appears straight after you create a new WPF project, i.e. Windows1.xaml is empty.


By changing the Device Profile in Color Management to System Default, this problem goes away



It is even more interesting that if you have your project open and change the Device Profile back to something else, the error would not reappear. However If you close the project and open it again, it will.

So anyone knows what’s the difference between all these profiles?



  1. pedrodems@hotmail.com28 May 2009 at 2:19 am

    I stumbled upon your posting here because I have the same error but I'm not sure what you're doing with devices or what 'Color Management' is.

    I get this error at runtime after I add an icon to resources. I think it is one of those bugs microsoft is still scratching their heads about.

  2. Go to Control Panel, you will find Color Management - if you are on Vista.
