Tuesday, 4 March 2008

2008 Summer Road Trip - Slides and Code!

Yes! We do have the code and slides for the summer road trip!

Code: RoadTripCode.zip (3.90MB)
Slides: SummerRoadTrip.pptx (1.35MB)

According to Jeremy,

The Code package contains a quick README on getting things set up, feel free to comment if you have more detail you want to add to this, however be warned you will want to put this in a PRE-PRODUCTION / TEST environment as it makes use of many beta bits such as SQL Server 2008 and the Entity Framework.
If you are looking to build such a VM up from scratch then these instructions may help you out in terms of what you need to install..
1. Windows Server 2008 Enterprise with No Hyper-V operating system installation
    - Roles: Web Server, File Services, Application Server: Enable TCP and Named Pipe Activation and Distributed Transactions  
    - Features: Windows Powershell, Telnet Client
2. Visual Studio 2008
3. SQL Server 2008 CTP 6
    - Install only Database Server, Books Online and Client Tools
    - Execute sp_filestream_configure @enable_level = 2 after server has installed
    - Create C:\FSData directory locally for storing filestream data for the Road Trip database
4. Entity Framework Beta 3
    - Also install Visual Studio hotfix for Entity Framework Beta 3
    - Also install Entity Framework Tools for Visual Studio

Have fun with the code and slides!

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