Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Quick WPF Data Binding Illustration

I have to admit that what I said in the title was not what I intended to do.

Tonight I was writing some stuff up trying to recreate the suspicious ObservableCollection<T> memory leak issue that I mentioned to Jonas, so he can have a look and maybe tell me what the problem was. Strange that this simplified version seems to work fine. I am not sure it's the power of SP1, or it's just because I left something out. Anyway, I am going to test that again in the office tomorrow, or next Monday after the ski trip.

Anyway, since I have created this simplified version already, why not upload it. Due to the fact that this is something I mock up very quickly, it does illustrate some general concept/code usage in a plain way. Let me talk about the following:

  1. Border
  2. Namespace
  3. Data Template
  4. Style Setter
  5. Set ListItem positions inside a ListBox
  6. ObservableCollection<T> and INotifyPropertyChanged
  7. ...

Not now. It's 10:30pm already. I will first upload this, and talk about the stuff tomorrow. :)


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jacqualine,

    Have you gotten a chance to test the leaking application to verify if SP1 fixed the problem, or if you're missing something in your simplified example...?

    Give me a ping/tweet when you determine if this is still a problem, or if it's fixed by SP1.

    How was the ski trip?

